domingo, 26 de octubre de 2008

ISENGARD [Folk Black Metal]

Pais: Noruega , (Oslo)

Tiempo: 1989-1995
Liricas Sobre: Anti.christianismo y folclor noruego
Discográfica: Moonfog
Web: Geocites.Com

Ultima Formación:
Fenriz (Gylve Nagell) - Vocals, Drums, Guitars, Bass, Synth (Darkthrone, Dødheimsgard, Neptune Towers, Storm (Nor), Valhall, Black Death (Nor))

1995 - Høstmørke

2.Landet Og Havet01:07
3.I Kamp Med Kvitekrist04:57
4.I Ei Gran Borti Nordre Åsen03:43
5.Over De Syngende Øde Moer05:52
6.Thornspawn Chalice08:10
7.Total Death02:50
Total playing time32:10

2.Gjennom Skogen til Blåfjellene05:51
3.Ut i Vannets dyp Hvor Morket Hviler04:19
5.In the Halls and Chambers of Stardust - The Crystallic Heavens Open02:33
6.Fanden Lokker til Stupet (Nytrad)02:43
8.Thy Gruesome Death02:16
10.Rise from Below03:12
11.Dark Lord of Gorgoroth02:26
12.Trollwandering (Outro)01:29
13.The Fog (early 1991)04:35
14.Storm of Evil06:02
15.Bergtrollets Gravferd05:31
16.Our Lord will Come05:48
Total playing time01:04:30

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